Friday, August 21, 2009

Heart Hoopla

In this challenging and fun game your goal is to clear enough hearts to reach the top with a heart. But don't go over the line! Lotus's Clubhouse is located in Funkeys Town where the big red diamond is shown here:

Tip UB Says:

One little thing I would like to mention is to never trough a heart when the following happens in that space.

See how here I'm aiming for that spot to connect the greens, well don't do that because you will end up just placing it somewhere it doesn't belong.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mix Master Scratch!

This game is different then most games because you can choose the song as well as the difficulty. Scratch's Gameroom is located in Funkeys Town marked by this big red diamond.

Before you start the game place your fingers on the X, C, SPACE, N and M keys. Do not take your fingers to far from the keys while the whole song is playing. Your goal is to try and press the key at the right time when the disk passes.

Tip UB Says:

For beginners start off on easy, then do Medium. If you like the game then go right to Extreme! You will actually get more points on extreme if you miss allot then getting all the disks on the easy level. On extreme look for lanes with the most disks and just work on one or two disks at a time! Keep switching to the lane with the most amount disks from it and you should get a decent score, but to win the trophy you will need to be VERY GOOD!

Monday, August 17, 2009

UFunkNews Gamers TIP Now Active

Here you will get tips and scores on many of your favorite funkey games!